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반지의 제왕 OST 자켓 본문
CD 1 1. Roots And Beginnings (06:31) 2. Journey To The Crossroads (02:17) 3. The Road To Isengard (02:18) 4. The Foot Of Orthanc (04:45) 5. Return To Edoras (01:52) 6. The Chalice Passed (01:51) 7. The Green Dragon (featuring Billy Boyd & Dominic Monaghan) (00:35) 8. Gollum's Villainy (02:10) 9. Eowyn's Dream (01:24) 10. The Palantir (03:10) 11. Flight From Edoras (02:18) 12. The Grace Of Undomiel (featuring Renee Fleming) (06:21) 13. The Eyes Of The White Tower (04:34) 14. A Coronet Of Silver (08:27) 15. The Lighting Of The Beacon (09:03) CD 2 1. Osgilliath Invaded (featuring Ben Del Maestro) (08:47) 2. The Stairs Of Cirith Ungol (02:41) 3. Allegiance To Denethor (03:20) 4. The Sacrifice Of Faramir (featuring Billy Boyd) (04:08) 5. The Parting Of Sam And Frodo (04:04) 6. Marshalling At Dunharrow (04:57) 7. Anduril - Flame Of The West (03:28) 8. The Passing Of The Grey Company (04:12) 9. Dwimorberg - The Haunted Mountain (02:26) 10. Master Meriadoc - Swordthain (01:40) 11. The Paths Of The Dead (06:22) 12. The Siege Of Gondor (09:01) 13. Shelob's Lair (08:53) 14. Merry's Simple Courage (02:09) CD 3 1. Grond - The Hammer Of The Underworld (01:33) 2. Shelob The Great (05:13) 3. The Tomb Of The Stewards (03:58) 4. The Battle Of The Pelennor Fields (04:10) 5. The Pyre Of Denethor (02:59) 6. The Mumakil (00:57) 7. Dernhelm In Battle (02:06) 8. A Far Green Country (01:28) 9. Shieldmaiden Of Rohan (05:07) 10. The Passing Of Theoden (02:16) 11. The Houses Of Healing (featuring Liv Tyler) (02:58) 12. The Tower Of Cirith Ungol (04:41) 13. The Last Debate (featuring Sissel) (04:21) 14. The Land Of Shadow (06:30) 15. The Mouth Of Sauron (08:15) 16. For Frodo (03:17) CD 4 1. Mount Doom (featuring Renee Fleming) (04:09) 2. The Crack Of Doom (04:02) 3. The Eagles (featuring Renee Fleming) (02:24) 4. The Fellowship Reunited (featuring Sir James Galway & Viggo Mortensen) (12:18) 5. The Journey To The Grey Havens (featuring Sir James Galway) (07:35) 6. Elanor (featuring Sir James Galway) (01:28) 7. Days Of The Ring (featuring Annie Lennox) (11:10) 8. Bilbo's Song (02:57) Tracklist Hide Credits . CD1-1 Roots And Beginnings Flute, Tin Whistle, Soloist ? Sir James Galway* 6:31 CD1-2 Journey To The Cross-Roads 2:17 CD1-3 The Road To Isengard 2:18 CD1-4 The Foot Of Orthanc 4:45 CD1-5 Return To Edoras 1:51 CD1-6 The Chalice Passed 1:51 CD1-7 The Green Dragon Featuring ? Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan Lyrics By ? Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens Music By ? David Donaldson (4), David Long (5), Janet Roddick, Stephen Roche* 0:35 CD1-8 Gollum's Villainy 2:10 CD1-9 Eowyn's Dream 1:24 CD1-10 The Palantir 3:10 CD1-11 Flight From Edoras 2:18 CD1-12 The Grace Of Undomiel Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore Soprano Vocals, Soloist ? Renee Fleming 6:21 CD1-13 The Eyes Of The White Tower Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 4:34 CD1-14 A Coronal Of Silver And Gold 8:27 CD1-15 The Lighting Of The Beacons 9:03 CD2-1 Osgilliath Invaded Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore Soloist ? Ben Del Maestro 8:47 CD2-2 The Stairs Of Cirith Ungol 2:41 CD2-3 Allegiance To Denethor 3:20 CD2-4 The Sacrifice Of Faramir Adapted By [Words Adapted By] ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore Performer [Performing The Edge Of Night] ? Billy Boyd Written-By [The Edge Of Night Vocal Melody] ? Billy Boyd 4:08 CD2-5 The Parting Of Sam And Frodo 4:04 CD2-6 Marshalling At Dunharrow Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 4:57 CD2-7 Anduril - Flame Of The West Adapted By [Words Adapted By] ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 3:28 CD2-8 The Passing Of The Grey Company 4:12 CD2-9 Dwimorberg - The Haunted Mountain 2:26 CD2-10 Master Meriadoc, Swordthain 1:40 CD2-11 The Paths Of The Dead 6:22 CD2-12 The Siege Of Gondor 9:01 CD2-13 Shelob's Lair Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 8:53 CD2-14 Merry's Simple Courage 2:09 CD3-1 Grond - The Hammer Of The Underworld 1:33 CD3-2 Shelob The Great 5:13 CD3-3 The Tomb Of The Stewards Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 3:58 CD3-4 The Battle Of The Pelennor Fields 4:10 CD3-5 The Pyre Of Denethor Adapted By [Words Adapted By] ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 2:59 CD3-6 The Mumakil 0:57 CD3-7 Dernhelm In Battle 2:06 CD3-8 "A Far Green Country" 1:28 CD3-9 Shieldmaiden Of Rohan Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 5:07 CD3-10 The Passing Of Theoden 2:16 CD3-11 The Houses Of Healing Featuring ? Liv Tyler Lyrics By ? Fran Walsh Music By ? Howard Shore 2:58 CD3-12 The Tower Of Cirith Ungol 4:41 CD3-13 The Last Debate Lyrics By ? Fran Walsh Music By ? Howard Shore Vocals, Soloist [Performing Asea Aranion] ? Sissel 4:21 CD3-14 The Land Of Shadow 6:30 CD3-15 The Mouth Of Sauron Flute, Tin Whistle, Soloist ? Sir James Galway* Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 8:15 CD3-16 "For Frodo" Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore Soloist ? Ben Del Maestro 3:17 CD4-1 Mount Doom Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore Soprano Vocals, Soloist ? Renee Fleming 4:09 CD4-2 The Crack Of Doom Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 4:02 CD4-3 The Eagles Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore Soprano Vocals, Soloist ? Renee Fleming 2:24 CD4-4 The Fellowship Reunited Featuring [Aragorn's Coronation], Written-By [Aragorn's Coronation Vocal Melody] ? Viggo Mortensen Flute, Tin Whistle, Soloist ? Sir James Galway* Soprano Vocals, Soloist ? Renee Fleming 12:18 CD4-5 The Journey To The Grey Havens Flute, Tin Whistle, Soloist ? Sir James Galway* 7:35 CD4-6 Elanor Flute, Tin Whistle, Soloist ? Sir James Galway* 1:28 CD4-7 Days Of The Ring Lyrics By [Twilight And Shadow Song Pt. 2] ? Philippa Boyens Music By [Twilight And Shadow Song Pt. 2] ? Howard Shore Soloist [Into The West], Vocals [Into The West] ? Annie Lennox Soprano Vocals, Soloist ? Renee Fleming Written-By [Into The West] ? Annie Lennox, Fran Walsh, Howard Shore 11:10 CD4-8 Bilbo's Song 2:57 DVDA-1 Roots And Beginnings 6:30 DVDA-2 Journey To The Cross-Roads 2:18 DVDA-3 The Road To Isengard 2:19 DVDA-4 The Foot Of Orthanc 4:45 DVDA-5 Return To Edoras 1:52 DVDA-6 The Chalice Passed 1:52 DVDA-7 The Green Dragon 0:36 DVDA-8 Gollum's Villainy 2:10 DVDA-9 Eowyn's Dream 1:26 DVDA-10 The Palantir 3:10 DVDA-11 Flight From Edoras 2:19 DVDA-12 The Grace Of Undomiel 6:20 DVDA-13 The Eyes Of The White Tower 4:33 DVDA-14 A Coronal Of Silver And Gold 8:25 DVDA-15 The Lighting Of The Beacons 9:02 DVDA-16 Osgilliath Invaded 8:44 DVDA-17 The Stairs Of Cirith Ungol 2:42 DVDA-18 Allegiance To Denethor 3:20 DVDA-19 The Sacrifice Of Faramir 4:08 DVDA-20 The Parting Of Sam And Frodo 4:04 DVDA-21 Marshalling At Dunharrow 4:55 DVDA-22 Anduril - Flame Of The West 3:28 DVDA-23 The Passing Of The Grey Company 4:10 DVDA-24 Dwimorberg - The Haunted Mountain 2:27 DVDA-25 Master Meriadoc, Swordthain 1:41 DVDA-26 The Paths Of The Dead 6:20 DVDA-27 The Siege Of Gondor 8:59 DVDA-28 Shelob's Lair 8:51 DVDA-29 Merry's Simple Courage 2:00 DVDB-1 Grond - The Hammer Of The Underworld 1:34 DVDB-2 Shelob The Great 5:13 DVDB-3 The Tomb Of The Stewards 3:58 DVDB-4 The Battle Of The Pelennor Fields 4:09 DVDB-5 The Pyre Of Denethor 3:00 DVDB-6 The Mumakil 0:59 DVDB-7 Dernhelm In Battle 2:07 DVDB-8 "A Far Green Country" 1:29 DVDB-9 Shieldmaiden Of Rohan 5:07 DVDB-10 The Passing Of Theoden 2:16 DVDB-11 The Houses Of Healing 2:59 DVDB-12 The Tower Of Cirith Ungol 4:41 DVDB-13 The Last Debate 4:21 DVDB-14 The Land Of Shadow 6:28 DVDB-15 The Mouth Of Sauron 8:13 DVDB-16 "For Frodo" 3:18 DVDB-17 Mount Doom 4:08 DVDB-18 The Crack Of Doom 4:02 DVDB-19 The Eagles 2:24 DVDB-20 The Fellowship Reunited 12:14 DVDB-21 The Journey To The Grey Havens 7:33 DVDB-22 Elanor 1:29 DVDB-23 Days Of The Ring 11:07 DVDB-24 Bilbo's Song 2:59 Companies, etc. Pressed By ? Cinram, Olyphant, PA ? Z65905 Pressed By ? Cinram, Olyphant, PA ? Z65906 Pressed By ? Cinram, Olyphant, PA ? Z65907 Pressed By ? Cinram, Olyphant, PA ? Z65908 Credits Art Direction ? Ellen Wakayama Authoring [DVD-audio Authoring] ? Craig Anderson (3), David Dieckmann Bodhran ? Robert White* Chorus Master [Choir Masters] ? Michael McCarthy, Terry Edwards (2) Cimbalom ? Edward Cervenka, Greg Knowles Composed By, Orchestrated By, Conductor ? Howard Shore Contractor [Music Contractors] ? Isobel Griffiths, Ruth Cornes Coordinator [Scoring Coordinator, London] ? Karen Elliott Coordinator [Scoring Coordinator, New York] ? Charles Portney Coordinator [Soundtrack Coordination For Wingnut Films] ? Josie Leckie Copyist [Music Preparation] ? Ann Barnard (2), Edmund Saunders, Gill Townend, Ian Hayter (2), Jason Poss, Jennifer Green (2), Jill Steater, John Whitfield (2), Kevin Mahonchak, Mark Findon, Mike Hornett, Dick Ihnatowitz*, Roy Moore, Vic Fraser Design ? Ryan Corey Design [Dvd-audio Menu Design] ? Chris Sims Directed By [Dvd-audio Director] ? Spencer Chrislu Edited By ? Mark Willsher Edited By [Music Editors] ? Andrew Dudman, Becca Gatrell, John Wriggle, Jonathan Schultz, Malcolm Fife, Marie Ebbing, Michael Price (2), Nigel Scott, Steve Price*, Tim Starnes Edited By [Original Soundtrack Cd] ? Simon Kiln Engineer [Additional Engineering By] ? Andy Bradfeld*, Jeffrey Lesser, Paul Hicks, Tom Lazarus Engineer [Assistant Engineers] ? David Gould, Erik Jordan, Mike Cox (4), Mirek Stiles, Richard Lancaster, Sam Okell, Steve Pelluet, Toby Wood Engineer [Eventone Editorial, Ny] ? Bill Foley, Giancarlo Vulcano, Greg Laporta, Greg Rippin, Jim Bruening, Lois Dilivio (2), Lowell Pickett, Tim Stritmater Executive-Producer [Executive Album Producers] ? Fran Walsh, Paul Broucek, Peter Jackson (8) Executive-Producer [Executive Producer For Warner Bros. Records] ? Jeff Aldrich Flute [Pan Flute] ? Ulrich Herkenhoff Flute [Wood Flute] ? Stuart McIlwham* Flute, Tin Whistle ? Sir James Galway* Guitar [6-string, 12-string] ? John Parricelli Harp [Celtic Harp] ? Gillian Tingay, Jean Kelly Liner Notes ? Doug Adams (2) Lyrics By [Choral Text By] ? Fran Walsh, J.R.R. Tolkien, Philippa Boyens Mastered By ? Peter Mew Mixed By [Score] ? Peter Cobbin Musette ? Edward Hession* Oboe [Rhaita], Whistle [Low Whistle] ? Jan Hendrickse Other [Executive In Charge Of Music And Supervision For New Line Cinema] ? Paul Broucek Other [Materials Prepared By] ? Jim Bruening Other [Music Business Affairs Executive For New Line Cinema] ? John F.X. Walsh,Lori Silfen Other [Music Clearance Executive, For New Line Cinema] ? Mark Kaufman Other [Music Example Preparation], Coordinator [Album Coordination] ? Sue Sinclair Other [Soundtrack Executive For New Line Cinema] ? Mitch Rotter Photography By [Non-motion Picture Photography] ? Ayisha Winmai, Benjamin Ealovega, Stewart McIlwham, Ulrich Herkenhoff Producer [Album Produced By] ? Howard Shore Producer [Associate Music Producer] ? Mark Willsher Producer [Featured Soloists Produced By] ? Paul Broucek Producer [Music Produced By] ? Howard Shore Recorded By [Score] ? John Kurlander Sarangi ? Sylvia Hallett Sitar [Dilruba], Hardingfele [Hardanger], Fiddle [Irish Fiddle], Violin [Double Violin] ? Dermot Crehan Strings [Monochord] ? Sonia Slany Supervised By [Album Coordinating Supervisor] ? Alan Frey Technician [Auricle Operator] ? Chris Cozens Technician [Technical Coordinator] ? Jeff Grace Vocals ? The London Voices*, The London Oratory School Schola Whistle ? Mike Taylor (4) Notes Mastered at Abbey Road Studios, London. Design for SMOG Design, Inc. Recorded at CTS Colosseum, Watford; Abbey Road Studios; Air Lyndhurst. Score mixed at Abbey Road Studios, London. DVD-Audio authoring for Craigman Digital, Inc. DVD-Audio: Dolby Digital Surround Sound Dolby Digital Stereo Sound Advanced Resolution Surround Sound (48kHz 24-bit) Advanced Resolution Stereo Sound (48kHz 24-bit Published by New Line Tunes (ASCAP) (P) 2003 except: "Twilight And Shadow Song", "The Grace of Undomiel Song", "A Shadow Lies Between Us", "Borne From the Darkness Song", "The Destruction of the Ring Song", "The Eagles Song", "Queen Arwen Song", "Twilight And Shadow Song Pt.2", "Houses of Healing Song", "Bilbo's Song" co-published by New Line Tunes (ASCAP) and South Fifth Avenue Publishing (ASCAP). "Into the West" co-published by South Fifth Avenue Publishing (ASCAP), New Line Tunes (ASCAP) and La Lennoxa Ltd. (BMG). Annie Lennox appears courtesy of BMG Ariola Munchen GMBH. Renee Fleming appears courtesy of Decca Music Group. Reprise Records, a Warner Music Group Company, New York, NY. The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King, and the names of the characters, events, items and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. ? 2007 New Line Productions Inc. ? ⓒ Reprise Records for the U.S. and WEA International, Inc. for the world outside the U.S. Made in U.S.A. Barcode and Other Identifiers Barcode: 093624996910 Matrix / Runout (CD1): M1S3 Z65905 1 162044-2.1 TEXT 01 Matrix / Runout (CD2): M1S4 Z65906 1 1 162044-2.2 TEXT 01 Matrix / Runout (CD3): Z65907 M1S3 1 162044-2.3 TEXT 01 Matrix / Runout (CD4): Z65908 1 162044-2.4 TEXT 01 M1S2 Mastering SID Code (CD1?CD4): ifpi L909 Mould SID Code (CD1?CD4): IFPI 2U8J |
CD 1 1. Roots And Beginnings (06:31) 2. Journey To The Crossroads (02:17) 3. The Road To Isengard (02:18) 4. The Foot Of Orthanc (04:45) 5. Return To Edoras (01:52) 6. The Chalice Passed (01:51) 7. The Green Dragon (featuring Billy Boyd & Dominic Monaghan) (00:35) 8. Gollum's Villainy (02:10) 9. Eowyn's Dream (01:24) 10. The Palantir (03:10) 11. Flight From Edoras (02:18) 12. The Grace Of Undomiel (featuring Renee Fleming) (06:21) 13. The Eyes Of The White Tower (04:34) 14. A Coronet Of Silver (08:27) 15. The Lighting Of The Beacon (09:03) CD 2 1. Osgilliath Invaded (featuring Ben Del Maestro) (08:47) 2. The Stairs Of Cirith Ungol (02:41) 3. Allegiance To Denethor (03:20) 4. The Sacrifice Of Faramir (featuring Billy Boyd) (04:08) 5. The Parting Of Sam And Frodo (04:04) 6. Marshalling At Dunharrow (04:57) 7. Anduril - Flame Of The West (03:28) 8. The Passing Of The Grey Company (04:12) 9. Dwimorberg - The Haunted Mountain (02:26) 10. Master Meriadoc - Swordthain (01:40) 11. The Paths Of The Dead (06:22) 12. The Siege Of Gondor (09:01) 13. Shelob's Lair (08:53) 14. Merry's Simple Courage (02:09) CD 3 1. Grond - The Hammer Of The Underworld (01:33) 2. Shelob The Great (05:13) 3. The Tomb Of The Stewards (03:58) 4. The Battle Of The Pelennor Fields (04:10) 5. The Pyre Of Denethor (02:59) 6. The Mumakil (00:57) 7. Dernhelm In Battle (02:06) 8. A Far Green Country (01:28) 9. Shieldmaiden Of Rohan (05:07) 10. The Passing Of Theoden (02:16) 11. The Houses Of Healing (featuring Liv Tyler) (02:58) 12. The Tower Of Cirith Ungol (04:41) 13. The Last Debate (featuring Sissel) (04:21) 14. The Land Of Shadow (06:30) 15. The Mouth Of Sauron (08:15) 16. For Frodo (03:17) CD 4 1. Mount Doom (featuring Renee Fleming) (04:09) 2. The Crack Of Doom (04:02) 3. The Eagles (featuring Renee Fleming) (02:24) 4. The Fellowship Reunited (featuring Sir James Galway & Viggo Mortensen) (12:18) 5. The Journey To The Grey Havens (featuring Sir James Galway) (07:35) 6. Elanor (featuring Sir James Galway) (01:28) 7. Days Of The Ring (featuring Annie Lennox) (11:10) 8. Bilbo's Song (02:57) Tracklist Hide Credits . CD1-1 Roots And Beginnings Flute, Tin Whistle, Soloist ? Sir James Galway* 6:31 CD1-2 Journey To The Cross-Roads 2:17 CD1-3 The Road To Isengard 2:18 CD1-4 The Foot Of Orthanc 4:45 CD1-5 Return To Edoras 1:51 CD1-6 The Chalice Passed 1:51 CD1-7 The Green Dragon Featuring ? Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan Lyrics By ? Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens Music By ? David Donaldson (4), David Long (5), Janet Roddick, Stephen Roche* 0:35 CD1-8 Gollum's Villainy 2:10 CD1-9 Eowyn's Dream 1:24 CD1-10 The Palantir 3:10 CD1-11 Flight From Edoras 2:18 CD1-12 The Grace Of Undomiel Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore Soprano Vocals, Soloist ? Renee Fleming 6:21 CD1-13 The Eyes Of The White Tower Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 4:34 CD1-14 A Coronal Of Silver And Gold 8:27 CD1-15 The Lighting Of The Beacons 9:03 CD2-1 Osgilliath Invaded Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore Soloist ? Ben Del Maestro 8:47 CD2-2 The Stairs Of Cirith Ungol 2:41 CD2-3 Allegiance To Denethor 3:20 CD2-4 The Sacrifice Of Faramir Adapted By [Words Adapted By] ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore Performer [Performing The Edge Of Night] ? Billy Boyd Written-By [The Edge Of Night Vocal Melody] ? Billy Boyd 4:08 CD2-5 The Parting Of Sam And Frodo 4:04 CD2-6 Marshalling At Dunharrow Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 4:57 CD2-7 Anduril - Flame Of The West Adapted By [Words Adapted By] ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 3:28 CD2-8 The Passing Of The Grey Company 4:12 CD2-9 Dwimorberg - The Haunted Mountain 2:26 CD2-10 Master Meriadoc, Swordthain 1:40 CD2-11 The Paths Of The Dead 6:22 CD2-12 The Siege Of Gondor 9:01 CD2-13 Shelob's Lair Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 8:53 CD2-14 Merry's Simple Courage 2:09 CD3-1 Grond - The Hammer Of The Underworld 1:33 CD3-2 Shelob The Great 5:13 CD3-3 The Tomb Of The Stewards Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 3:58 CD3-4 The Battle Of The Pelennor Fields 4:10 CD3-5 The Pyre Of Denethor Adapted By [Words Adapted By] ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 2:59 CD3-6 The Mumakil 0:57 CD3-7 Dernhelm In Battle 2:06 CD3-8 "A Far Green Country" 1:28 CD3-9 Shieldmaiden Of Rohan Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 5:07 CD3-10 The Passing Of Theoden 2:16 CD3-11 The Houses Of Healing Featuring ? Liv Tyler Lyrics By ? Fran Walsh Music By ? Howard Shore 2:58 CD3-12 The Tower Of Cirith Ungol 4:41 CD3-13 The Last Debate Lyrics By ? Fran Walsh Music By ? Howard Shore Vocals, Soloist [Performing Asea Aranion] ? Sissel 4:21 CD3-14 The Land Of Shadow 6:30 CD3-15 The Mouth Of Sauron Flute, Tin Whistle, Soloist ? Sir James Galway* Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 8:15 CD3-16 "For Frodo" Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore Soloist ? Ben Del Maestro 3:17 CD4-1 Mount Doom Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore Soprano Vocals, Soloist ? Renee Fleming 4:09 CD4-2 The Crack Of Doom Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore 4:02 CD4-3 The Eagles Lyrics By ? Philippa Boyens Music By ? Howard Shore Soprano Vocals, Soloist ? Renee Fleming 2:24 CD4-4 The Fellowship Reunited Featuring [Aragorn's Coronation], Written-By [Aragorn's Coronation Vocal Melody] ? Viggo Mortensen Flute, Tin Whistle, Soloist ? Sir James Galway* Soprano Vocals, Soloist ? Renee Fleming 12:18 CD4-5 The Journey To The Grey Havens Flute, Tin Whistle, Soloist ? Sir James Galway* 7:35 CD4-6 Elanor Flute, Tin Whistle, Soloist ? Sir James Galway* 1:28 CD4-7 Days Of The Ring Lyrics By [Twilight And Shadow Song Pt. 2] ? Philippa Boyens Music By [Twilight And Shadow Song Pt. 2] ? Howard Shore Soloist [Into The West], Vocals [Into The West] ? Annie Lennox Soprano Vocals, Soloist ? Renee Fleming Written-By [Into The West] ? Annie Lennox, Fran Walsh, Howard Shore 11:10 CD4-8 Bilbo's Song 2:57 DVDA-1 Roots And Beginnings 6:30 DVDA-2 Journey To The Cross-Roads 2:18 DVDA-3 The Road To Isengard 2:19 DVDA-4 The Foot Of Orthanc 4:45 DVDA-5 Return To Edoras 1:52 DVDA-6 The Chalice Passed 1:52 DVDA-7 The Green Dragon 0:36 DVDA-8 Gollum's Villainy 2:10 DVDA-9 Eowyn's Dream 1:26 DVDA-10 The Palantir 3:10 DVDA-11 Flight From Edoras 2:19 DVDA-12 The Grace Of Undomiel 6:20 DVDA-13 The Eyes Of The White Tower 4:33 DVDA-14 A Coronal Of Silver And Gold 8:25 DVDA-15 The Lighting Of The Beacons 9:02 DVDA-16 Osgilliath Invaded 8:44 DVDA-17 The Stairs Of Cirith Ungol 2:42 DVDA-18 Allegiance To Denethor 3:20 DVDA-19 The Sacrifice Of Faramir 4:08 DVDA-20 The Parting Of Sam And Frodo 4:04 DVDA-21 Marshalling At Dunharrow 4:55 DVDA-22 Anduril - Flame Of The West 3:28 DVDA-23 The Passing Of The Grey Company 4:10 DVDA-24 Dwimorberg - The Haunted Mountain 2:27 DVDA-25 Master Meriadoc, Swordthain 1:41 DVDA-26 The Paths Of The Dead 6:20 DVDA-27 The Siege Of Gondor 8:59 DVDA-28 Shelob's Lair 8:51 DVDA-29 Merry's Simple Courage 2:00 DVDB-1 Grond - The Hammer Of The Underworld 1:34 DVDB-2 Shelob The Great 5:13 DVDB-3 The Tomb Of The Stewards 3:58 DVDB-4 The Battle Of The Pelennor Fields 4:09 DVDB-5 The Pyre Of Denethor 3:00 DVDB-6 The Mumakil 0:59 DVDB-7 Dernhelm In Battle 2:07 DVDB-8 "A Far Green Country" 1:29 DVDB-9 Shieldmaiden Of Rohan 5:07 DVDB-10 The Passing Of Theoden 2:16 DVDB-11 The Houses Of Healing 2:59 DVDB-12 The Tower Of Cirith Ungol 4:41 DVDB-13 The Last Debate 4:21 DVDB-14 The Land Of Shadow 6:28 DVDB-15 The Mouth Of Sauron 8:13 DVDB-16 "For Frodo" 3:18 DVDB-17 Mount Doom 4:08 DVDB-18 The Crack Of Doom 4:02 DVDB-19 The Eagles 2:24 DVDB-20 The Fellowship Reunited 12:14 DVDB-21 The Journey To The Grey Havens 7:33 DVDB-22 Elanor 1:29 DVDB-23 Days Of The Ring 11:07 DVDB-24 Bilbo's Song 2:59 Companies, etc. Pressed By ? Cinram, Olyphant, PA ? Z65905 Pressed By ? Cinram, Olyphant, PA ? Z65906 Pressed By ? Cinram, Olyphant, PA ? Z65907 Pressed By ? Cinram, Olyphant, PA ? Z65908 Credits Art Direction ? Ellen Wakayama Authoring [DVD-audio Authoring] ? Craig Anderson (3), David Dieckmann Bodhran ? Robert White* Chorus Master [Choir Masters] ? Michael McCarthy, Terry Edwards (2) Cimbalom ? Edward Cervenka, Greg Knowles Composed By, Orchestrated By, Conductor ? Howard Shore Contractor [Music Contractors] ? Isobel Griffiths, Ruth Cornes Coordinator [Scoring Coordinator, London] ? Karen Elliott Coordinator [Scoring Coordinator, New York] ? Charles Portney Coordinator [Soundtrack Coordination For Wingnut Films] ? Josie Leckie Copyist [Music Preparation] ? Ann Barnard (2), Edmund Saunders, Gill Townend, Ian Hayter (2), Jason Poss, Jennifer Green (2), Jill Steater, John Whitfield (2), Kevin Mahonchak, Mark Findon, Mike Hornett, Dick Ihnatowitz*, Roy Moore, Vic Fraser Design ? Ryan Corey Design [Dvd-audio Menu Design] ? Chris Sims Directed By [Dvd-audio Director] ? Spencer Chrislu Edited By ? Mark Willsher Edited By [Music Editors] ? Andrew Dudman, Becca Gatrell, John Wriggle, Jonathan Schultz, Malcolm Fife, Marie Ebbing, Michael Price (2), Nigel Scott, Steve Price*, Tim Starnes Edited By [Original Soundtrack Cd] ? Simon Kiln Engineer [Additional Engineering By] ? Andy Bradfeld*, Jeffrey Lesser, Paul Hicks, Tom Lazarus Engineer [Assistant Engineers] ? David Gould, Erik Jordan, Mike Cox (4), Mirek Stiles, Richard Lancaster, Sam Okell, Steve Pelluet, Toby Wood Engineer [Eventone Editorial, Ny] ? Bill Foley, Giancarlo Vulcano, Greg Laporta, Greg Rippin, Jim Bruening, Lois Dilivio (2), Lowell Pickett, Tim Stritmater Executive-Producer [Executive Album Producers] ? Fran Walsh, Paul Broucek, Peter Jackson (8) Executive-Producer [Executive Producer For Warner Bros. Records] ? Jeff Aldrich Flute [Pan Flute] ? Ulrich Herkenhoff Flute [Wood Flute] ? Stuart McIlwham* Flute, Tin Whistle ? Sir James Galway* Guitar [6-string, 12-string] ? John Parricelli Harp [Celtic Harp] ? Gillian Tingay, Jean Kelly Liner Notes ? Doug Adams (2) Lyrics By [Choral Text By] ? Fran Walsh, J.R.R. Tolkien, Philippa Boyens Mastered By ? Peter Mew Mixed By [Score] ? Peter Cobbin Musette ? Edward Hession* Oboe [Rhaita], Whistle [Low Whistle] ? Jan Hendrickse Other [Executive In Charge Of Music And Supervision For New Line Cinema] ? Paul Broucek Other [Materials Prepared By] ? Jim Bruening Other [Music Business Affairs Executive For New Line Cinema] ? John F.X. Walsh,Lori Silfen Other [Music Clearance Executive, For New Line Cinema] ? Mark Kaufman Other [Music Example Preparation], Coordinator [Album Coordination] ? Sue Sinclair Other [Soundtrack Executive For New Line Cinema] ? Mitch Rotter Photography By [Non-motion Picture Photography] ? Ayisha Winmai, Benjamin Ealovega, Stewart McIlwham, Ulrich Herkenhoff Producer [Album Produced By] ? Howard Shore Producer [Associate Music Producer] ? Mark Willsher Producer [Featured Soloists Produced By] ? Paul Broucek Producer [Music Produced By] ? Howard Shore Recorded By [Score] ? John Kurlander Sarangi ? Sylvia Hallett Sitar [Dilruba], Hardingfele [Hardanger], Fiddle [Irish Fiddle], Violin [Double Violin] ? Dermot Crehan Strings [Monochord] ? Sonia Slany Supervised By [Album Coordinating Supervisor] ? Alan Frey Technician [Auricle Operator] ? Chris Cozens Technician [Technical Coordinator] ? Jeff Grace Vocals ? The London Voices*, The London Oratory School Schola Whistle ? Mike Taylor (4) Notes Mastered at Abbey Road Studios, London. Design for SMOG Design, Inc. Recorded at CTS Colosseum, Watford; Abbey Road Studios; Air Lyndhurst. Score mixed at Abbey Road Studios, London. DVD-Audio authoring for Craigman Digital, Inc. DVD-Audio: Dolby Digital Surround Sound Dolby Digital Stereo Sound Advanced Resolution Surround Sound (48kHz 24-bit) Advanced Resolution Stereo Sound (48kHz 24-bit Published by New Line Tunes (ASCAP) (P) 2003 except: "Twilight And Shadow Song", "The Grace of Undomiel Song", "A Shadow Lies Between Us", "Borne From the Darkness Song", "The Destruction of the Ring Song", "The Eagles Song", "Queen Arwen Song", "Twilight And Shadow Song Pt.2", "Houses of Healing Song", "Bilbo's Song" co-published by New Line Tunes (ASCAP) and South Fifth Avenue Publishing (ASCAP). "Into the West" co-published by South Fifth Avenue Publishing (ASCAP), New Line Tunes (ASCAP) and La Lennoxa Ltd. (BMG). Annie Lennox appears courtesy of BMG Ariola Munchen GMBH. Renee Fleming appears courtesy of Decca Music Group. Reprise Records, a Warner Music Group Company, New York, NY. The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King, and the names of the characters, events, items and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises under license to New Line Productions, Inc. ? 2007 New Line Productions Inc. ? ⓒ Reprise Records for the U.S. and WEA International, Inc. for the world outside the U.S. Made in U.S.A. Barcode and Other Identifiers Barcode: 093624996910 Matrix / Runout (CD1): M1S3 Z65905 1 162044-2.1 TEXT 01 Matrix / Runout (CD2): M1S4 Z65906 1 1 162044-2.2 TEXT 01 Matrix / Runout (CD3): Z65907 M1S3 1 162044-2.3 TEXT 01 Matrix / Runout (CD4): Z65908 1 162044-2.4 TEXT 01 M1S2 Mastering SID Code (CD1?CD4): ifpi L909 Mould SID Code (CD1?CD4): IFPI 2U8J
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