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드라마 홀릭

The Night of the PARTISANS THEMA of PACK TAE SEUNG , POETRY of KANG CH'ANG SIK 빨치산의 밤* - 박태승 곡, 강창식 글 - Only for my motherland in the full of sorrow have climbed the ridge which of winter mountain is shining in the moonlight have rubbed my hurts of rage. 조국의 이름으로 오기위해 온갖 설움 들고 능선 넘었네 달빛 받아 뿌연 겨울산에서 분노의 상처 어루만지며 As it snows so white and long The land of Chosun got blooded Just the names of Irony ..
영화/동네 극장
2023. 4. 21. 21:27